Your Gene Keys Profile
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Opening your Heart through Relationships The Venus Sequence is the path of courageous emotional opening through relationships. Shadow: the victim pattern. The Gene Keys are neither astrology nor are they a traditional profiling system. Is there anything more beautiful than this?
It was a Truth which went straightforward to the core of my being and no matter how my mind struggled to deny it with logical arguments, my body knew this was true. Exploring the Gene Keys There are many ways to explore the Gene Keys, but we recommend starting with the basics. If you would like me to give you a taste of what it all means and look at your profile with you, I would be happy to schedule a Skype session.
Your Gene Keys Profile - Rudd was also introduced to another system by the name of Human Design.
I found the process of mental, emotional and physical contemplation difficult and painful, but I did it. I devoted 6 months exclusively to the Gene Keys. I went to the course on the Activation Sequence with Andrew Fretwell in Bucharest, Romania. In October 2015 I went to the Venus Sequence Retreat in Sinaia, Romania the one with Richard Rudd and Andrew Fretwell and also participated in the meetings of the Gene Keys Community from Bucharest, Romania. I also started studying Human Design in order to find the easiest and fastest ways of implementing the Gene Keys in real life. By December 2015, I got the idea of Transformig the Shadow of a Gene Keys using Time Line Therapy. To me, it was absolutely amazing. I got examples for each Sphere. Now I can apply this process on someone else, in a one-on-one session. Practically speaking, you begin to manifest your Gift from every Sphere as soon as you Transform the Shadow. My 2nd line Vocation took the stage. It was a Truth which went straightforward to the core of my being and no matter how my mind struggled to deny it with logical arguments, my body knew this was true. The 25th Gene Key my IQ helped me accept my fear and quit my job to follow my dream of helping people create and enjoy a fulfilled life on in every domain. Since then I had o a lot of Epiphanies and gorgeous experiences which I owe to the Gene Keys and for which I am grateful from all my heart. Also at the ending of 2014, I succeeded in completing the Practitioner Course in NLP, Time Line Therapy, Coaching and Hypnosis taught by Radu Chiriac, certified Trainer of Tad James Co. Transforming the Shadows from the whole Hologenetic Profile in the order recommended by Richard Rudd Activation, Venus, Pearl you manifest your Gifts exactly as they are described in the Gene Keys book and you gain clarity for what you need to do. It is also useful in relationships because they help a lot in opening the heart and returning love to non-love. It helps you feel much better in your own body and increases your confidence the 4 Prime Gifts from the Activation Sequence. You get to understand and apply each Gift within the its Sphere, including the challenge offered by the Evolution Sphere, releasing the emotions held by the mind in the IQ Sphere and attracting prosperity through the Culture Sphere. If you realized the way the Shadows influenced your life, you will easy realize the progress you made and the Presence of your Gifts in your life. The process of Transforming the Shadows follows the Golden Path, so the shadows are transformed in the context of the Sphere and Line within the Hologenetic Profile. One of my moments of incredible Joy was when I realized that it is very likely that no one else applied this idea yet , so what we are doing together could be a worldwide premiere. What is this method? Everything happens in one-on-one meetings. Time Line Therapy is a process that dissolves all the negative emotion you felt from the beginning until the present moment. First of all, I will guide you to dissolve your Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt and Guilt. Once these emotions are dissolved, it will be very easy for you to transform every shadow from every Gene Key in your Hologenetic Profile. How does Time Line Therapy work? In the case of the Shadow, it will be very easy to raise it at the Gift Frequency. As it is in my Hologenetic Profile, I really like being in the service of others. I believe the Shadow Transformation process is the most precious thing I found withing my work and I rejoice from all my heart because I can offer this to others. The idea of translating this came from my good friend Cristian Dumitrache and he reminded me of the power of gratitude. I wish you all the love in the world, have fun and I leave you in the hands of Master Shifu who apparently knows about Gene Keys with some very good advice:.
Your Radiance: Your Radiance has a direct bearing on your physical, emotional and mental health. His radiance the Well is again the lake in the mountain, like a music. They are founded upon the premise that your higher purpose exists as a code embedded within your physical DNA, and that the role of the Gene Keys is to unlock and activate that code and catalyze the release of your full creative genius into gene keys profile world. How can it be communicated. Consisting of the Activation Sequence discovering your genius + evolutionary breakthroughthe Venus Sequence opening your heart through primary relationships + partnership and the Pearl Sequence releasing your prosperity through simplicity. The science behind it remains the same. Does it really work?.